Fri., Apr. 30, 2021, 1:00pm-2:00pm (EDT/GMT-0400) 

Building quantum technology requires a lot of people with different backgrounds (physicists, electrical engineers, computer scientists, software engineers, chemists, ) and it can be overwhelming to consider a career in quantum science and information. It can also be overwhelming if you have never heard of quantum physics either! By attending this series of public virtual events hosted in partnership with the Center for Quantum Networks Engineering Workforce Development, participants will learn from students and researchers in the field what it is like to work in quantum science and get advice on navigating the various pathways. This and future panels in this series will be dedicated to share information on careers in the field of quantum science and information. OPEN TO HIGH SCHOOL AND FIRST YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS. Registration required at Audience: high school and first-year undergraduate students SPEAKERS IN THE PANEL – Shantanu Jha, Yale ’21 Founder of Yale Undergraduate Quantum Computing – Ayelet Kalfus, Yale ’24 YuQC Director of Partnerships – Steve Girvin, Yale Professor of Physics Teaches Quantum Physics to Yale Undergraduates – Recruiters from University of Arizona College of Engineering

Produced by Yale